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Empower Job Coaches with
Person-Centered Thinking Skills

vocational rehabilitation job coach for people with disabilities

Secure and maintain employment for people with disabilities by becoming a certified Person-Centered Coach.

Person-Centered skills and techniques are flexible and applicable to many areas of life. Applying this training specifically to employment supports and achieving competitive employment for people with disabilities, vocational rehabilitation and supported employment job coaches become armed with skills to help ensure proper placement is made in a job from the very beginning. 

Coaches also help ensure that continued, successful employment is achieved through the ongoing application of everyday learning, problem-solving, and management skills.

Becoming a Person-Centered Coach


Person-Centered Thinking Training is the prerequisite to Person-Centered Coach Training.

Begin with this 3-day, live, online training to learn the fundamental skill sets and techniques of Person-Centered Thinking (PCT). 


Become a PCT expert! At the completion of this 6-month, live, online training program, Job Coaches will be able to: 

  • Recognize learning styles
  • Assist others through the four stages of learning
  • Provide subject matter support to people, their current employers, or prospective employers.

Applying The Skills

In Vocational Rehabilitation and Supported Employment areas, Person-Centered Coaches shine a light. They improve initial job placements to better align with personal aspirations and foster a supportive environment. They successfully help navigate challenging situations and pave the way for ongoing growth. 

Apply these skills to find the right job handle work problems manage issues with coworkers mitigate health obstacles for people with disabilities.

Training Overview

We are a full-service company offering training and credentialing for every role with the goal of creating organizations that are truly person-centered, armed with the skills to assist people in living the life they love. 

Our training classes are conveniently delivered using Zoom.


After completing the 3-day PCT Training, you will begin PCT Coach Training. You will meet with our Coach Mentor once a month for six months and should expect 2-4 hours of homework per week.


The Learning Community for Person-Centered Practices (TLCPCP) is a collaborative of agencies, companies, states, and individuals who come together to ensure best practices in Person Centered Practices as well as resources such as curriculum, education, conferences, group discussions, and celebrations.

IntellectAbility is a part of this collaborative, offering and receiving information on best practices and resources. Our Mentors and Trainers are all credentialed with TLCPCP and deliver this curriculum. 

Contact us to get started

We are happy to answer any additional questions!


Empowering Employment”  Download this two-page article to learn more about applying Person-Centered Thinking skills and techniques to everyday supportive employment scenarios.

Download this PDF to find out how supportive employment coaches apply five of the eleven PCT skills and techniques in four real-life, job scenarios:

  1. Finding a Job,
  2. Handling Work Problems,
  3. Managing Issues with Coworkers,
  4. and Mitigating Health Obstacles.

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