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Obesity has become so common in America, we think it’s normal when we see extremely overweight people. And, how do they find that many people to film the show “My 600 Pound Life” season after season?

Obesity is defined by the CDC as a BMI over 30 and severe obesity is a BMI over 40. Sometimes health care providers look at waist circumference as well. In women a waist circumference of > 35″ and males > 40″ is considered obese. We need to readjust our acceptance of obesity. Not because of the way the person looks, that is absolutely not what I mean, I mean the health concerns that obesity causes.

Many of the persons receiving supports may have a syndrome that is associated with obesity but we still need to manage the issue. Most of you are probably familiar with Prader Willi Syndrome and Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). Both of these syndromes have a problem with obesity. Nevertheless, we can try to manage a person’s weight so that they are just a little heavy, but not considered unhealthy. Diet and exercise management is extremely important, not only to prevent weight gain, but also to manage constipation, hypertension, diabetes, bone health and many other conditions. Remember that eating is so much more than the intake of food, it is a social event, time for celebration and also the enjoyment of wonderful new foods.

Prader Willi Syndrome and Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21). Both of these syndromes have a problem with obesity.

Portion control, especially what we see in typical restaurants, is usually at least 2 -4 times more than the appropriate portion size. If we were served 1 cup of spaghetti on our plates, we would be very upset but that is the amount of pasta in a serving. Learning about and teaching portion sizes can be very constructive and this website from NIH is helpful. NIH Website.

Laboratory testing to monitor blood glucose, lipids, kidney function and other key indicators must be performed regularly to allow for early intervention when a problem is first identified. Face-to-face assessments with nurses in the community and the physician or a physician extender must occur regularly to help prevent increased death and other diseases.

Remember, the only person we can change is ourselves. But we can become positively contagious and set the example for others by eating in a healthy way at home with guests or if you go out to a restaurant. Be sure when shopping for food you go with the person receiving supports and teach them about portion sizes and how to read food labels. There are very simple and easy ways to teach portion control. Associate size with something they are familiar with in their environment, such as a cupcake wrapper or the tip of their finger or the palm of their hand.

I don’t know all answers to eliminating obesity, but this is a good start. 

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