Applying Person-Centered Thinking (PCT) Approaches for Provider Agencies
Bring About A Person-Centered Cultural Shift in Delivery Methods and Approaches.
- Utilize person-centered approaches to change how services and supports are delivered
- Support decision-making and positive control
- Move from goal setting to creating outcomes
- Facilitate a learning culture within your organization
- Build person-centered practices into your organization’s policies and processes
Course Description:
Great for: Provider agency management staff, program managers, house managers, and DSPs
Over the course of these four 30-minute sessions, you’ll gain an overview of why this shift is necessary, how to increase decision-making authority for those using and providing services and supports, how to move from goal setting to creating outcomes for people supported, and finally how to move the organizational culture that may be present to one that highlights learning, accountability, and partnership. Agencies may use this eLearn as a precursor to Person-Centered Coach Training.
Course Outcome: Provider agencies who change service delivery methods and approaches and are empowered to facilitate a cultural shift based on person-centered practices.
Contact us today for a free preview and custom price quote to license for your entire agency.
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