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A Valid, Reliable, and Objective Data Source

What is the HRST?

The Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) is the leading screening tool for intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) risk management and support. It is a HIPAA-compliant, web-based rating instrument developed to detect health destabilization in at-risk populations and ensure that proper care and support are provided at all times to avoid unnecessary suffering and death.

The HRST monitors for health risks associated with various intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities which specifically affect systems of the body and the person’s ability to engage in life. This provides all supporters the information needed to respond appropriately.

The HRST Saves Lives and Promotes Health Equity for People with IDD

26 States Use Our Program

100,000+ Currently Being Monitored

2,000+ Private Provider Agencies

Download our 8 page white paper to learn more about the adjacent uses of the HRST!

How the HRST Works

22-Item Scale

The HRST uses a simple 22-item scale designed to discover who is at the greatest risk of illness and health destabilization. Rating items encompass 22 specific areas of risk, including risks associated with eating, ambulation, self abuse, aggression, bowel function, skin integrity, nutrition, falls, and 14 other areas.

Answer Yes/No Questions

The user answers a series of objective Yes/No questions related to each of the 22 Rating Items, resulting in a score assigned to each.

Health Care Level Assigned

Based on the numerical total of the 22 Rating Items and a proprietary algorithm, a Health Care Level is assigned. Health Care levels can range from 1-6.

Action Steps

The HRST then responds by producing action steps that empower support staff in the form of special attention and prevention.

Schedule a demo to see the HRST in action!

“The HRST goes far beyond routine documentation software. It evolves with the person as they travel through life. It is a living, breathing, person centered health risk tool that provides actionable steps that save lives.”

-Craig Escude, MD, FAAFP, FAADM
IntellectAbility President

Interoperable & Customizable

Connect the HRST to other electronic information systems

Provide person-centered health risk data at a glance. Customize the HRST to fit your organization’s needs and integrate it with other systems to import and export data including:

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