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Person-Centered eTool Suite


This one-of-a-kind, web-based platform provides three powerful tools to ensure an effective and efficient way for supporters to ensure reliable, person-centered information is seamlessly incorporated into annual plans, daily support efforts, and is readily available to new staff getting to know the person.

Our Person-Centered Thinking eLearn, electronic Person-Centered Description (ePCD), and One Page Description (1PD) are interoperable, online training and tools hosted on one web-based platform, designed to help supporters capture, record, and build person-centered knowledge for the people their organization supports.
How It Works
1) Staff utilize the techniques and skills they acquired in Person-Centered Thinking Training to collect person-centered information effectively.
2) They input the information they learned about the person into the electronic Person-Centered Description (ePCD) platform.
3) Staff who have completed the PCT Training may access and edit the ePCD as necessary. Staff who complete the built-in PCT eLearning course may view the ePCD.
Electronic Person-Centered Description (ePCD)
Great For: All staff throughout any organization, big or small

Prerequisite: All users may view electronic Person-Centered Descriptions, but they must complete the virtual Person-Centered Thinking Training to edit them.

What is the Electronic Person-Centered Description (ePCD)?
The Person-Centered Description (PCD) is the center of the Person-Centered Thinking Training and is used to capture knowledge about the person, record it, and build on it.
We’ve taken what was once just a paper document and created a one-of-a-kind, web-based version allowing staff to easily access and input essential information about the person to inform supports and planning. When completed, it is a roadmap to daily support the person, helping to balance what is Important To and For them.
The ePCD is an effective way to ensure reliable person-centered information is incorporated into annual plans, daily support efforts, and available to new staff getting to know who a person is.

All staff can access vital person-centered information about the person in real time 

  • Learning about the person is captured and expandable 
  • Information in ePCDs helps ensure the annual plan is person-centered 
  • Information is interoperable with other data systems 
Objective: The ePCD provides easily accessible, consistent, and reliable person-centered information about the people your agency supports, ensuring continuity of care and support.
Built-in Person-Centered Thinking eLearn Course

If users have not completed the 3-day Virtual Person-Centered Thinking Training, they must complete a short eLearn course to view these web-based person-centered tools. This course teaches fundamental person-centered thinking techniques and skills to quickly understand and utilize the information in the Person-Centered Descriptions they are viewing.

One of the more frustrating realities for staff and the person supported is how hard-earned information and learning about the person is easily lost. You’ve seen it time and again. Information painstakingly learned about the person in the effort to be person-centered is lost each time a staff person leaves or is replaced.

For more information on the Person-Centered Thinking eLearn course modules, click here.

One Page Description (1PD)
Great For: All supporters
Prerequisite: All users may view One-Page Descriptions, but they must complete the virtual Person-Centered Thinking Training to edit them.
What is a One Page Description (1PD)?
The One Page Description is an at-a-glance, positive source of information about the person. It is one of the most effective ways to change how we talk about and introduce a person to others. Again, we have taken what was once only paper and created a one-of-a-kind, web-based version.

It contains key elements of the ePCD and requires at least three main components:

  1. What people Like and Admire about the person
  2. What is most Important To the person
  3. How to Best Support the person
How is it used? A One Page Description can be used with anyone of any age and at any stage of life. It is a simple, quick, and effective way to inform others about what matters most to the person, all with person-centeredness at its core.

Help their new doctor, staff person, case manager, or employer get to know them better as a person 

  • Facilitate matching the person up with the ideal roommate or staff person based on their personality and what’s Important To them 
  • Assist them in finding that perfect job 
  • Help them find that “special someone” and subsequently help that person get to know them better
Objective: Easily and effectively ensure the person is viewed positively by supplying essential information on one page and creating a picture of the person based purely on who they are, not their disability, diagnosis, or limitations.

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