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Attention Missouri Providers

Person-Centered Thinking Training in Missouri, tied to the Value-Based Payment incentive, is a 3-part process. Part 1 is the completion of the PCT eLearn course, which you have just finished. Part 2 is the one-day virtual PCT training with an IntellectAbility PCT trainer. Part 3 includes the completion of an additional eLearn module containing information on how to apply person-centered practices in Missouri. You will be given instructions on how to access and complete part 3 at the conclusion of part 2.  

You are registering for the Person-Centered Thinking one-day virtual training. Please review the information on this page closely. 

Training Description

This virtual, one-day Person-Centered Thinking Training is the follow-up training to the Person-Centered Thinking eLearn course. In this one-day training, you’ll be trained on the remaining person-centered thinking skills not covered in the eLearn course.

This training will be taught by one of IntellectAbility’s certified Person-Centered Thinking Trainers.

Topics to be covered will include:

Register for Your Training Date

PLEASE NOTE: This training is required to complete the full Person-Centered Thinking Training.

To join this training, you MUST:

  • Have the Zoom app or access to
  • Have a COMPUTER with a front-facing webcam – this training cannot be taken via a mobile device (no phones or tablets)
  • Have headphones with a mic
  • Have a strong internet connection
  • Have the ability to print documents before the training
  • Use one of the following internet browsers: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or FireFox
  • Have a private or quiet workspace


Feel free to call us at 727-437-3201. 


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